Lowering costs doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. We’ve re-designed the repair process from the ground up to be more efficient.
The Halo methods of vehicle repair and process management mean that our insurer clients can enjoy savings of up to 20% in claims costs – without any sacrifice in the quality and integrity of the repairs being done.

At the same time, policyholders will enjoy an extraordinary standard of service with 80% of repairs being returned to the customer in an average of 2 day or less of us receiving the vehicle, and 100% being returned within an average of 3 days.
Part of this substantial cost saving by insurers is achieved by applying the unique Halo pricing model, whilst additional benefits accrue from the way in which we are able to manage our overheads, maximise the opportunity to repair damaged parts, and a new approach to customer management which reduces the impact of exaggerated claims not related to the accident.
Our unrelenting focus on cost management for our insurer clients brings savings of millions of pounds every year alongside a degree of customer satisfaction that is the envy of our competitors.
A massively reduced administrative burden for our clients also adds further impetus to the delivery of lower cost and higher quality services alongside an outstanding quality of vehicle repair